Mexico’s Diana Flores sees flag football ‘closer than ever’ to the Olympics

The gold medal-winning quarterback, who will be the AFC’s offensive coordinator at the upcoming Pro Bowl, Diana spoke exclusively to ESPN on the Week 14 broadcast of “Monday Night Football.”

Mexican-flagged soccer quarterback Diana Floresgold medalist at Birmingham World Games in 2022 says the Olympic dream is near, “more than ever,” for her specialty.

In an on-air interview with Eduardo Varela Sí Pablo Viruega during the Monday Night Soccer Broadcast for ESPN Among the New England Patriots Yes Arizona Cardinals who complete the Week 14 activity, Flores spoke about her role as a flag soccer ambassador to bring the sport to the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic Games.

“I had the opportunity to work closely with the NFL and IFAFBueno, thank you for being a flag football ambassador. A few weeks, almost months, we were in London talking to the International Olympic Committee about the inclusion of flag football in the 2028 Olympic Games. Well, today, more than ever, we are closer to making this Olympic dream come true, to growing our sport like never before. And so, well, we’re crossing our fingers for good news next year. I hope everything goes as well as it has been so far. Well, well, being at the Olympics in Los Angeles in 2028.”

Diana Flores will be the offensive coordinator of the AFC team led by Peyton Manning in the upcoming Pro Bowl. Instagram @dianaflres33

As for her recently announced appointment as FCA’s star team offensive coordinator for the 2023 Pro Bowl where the flag football format for NFL players will be launched, Flores acknowledged that the news means a great commitment for her.

“It was really crazy, what’s happening is a dream, great news. I found out a few days ago with a call from NFL, of this news and of this great commitment. Well, nothing, I receive it with great joy, with great honesty and with all the responsibility that accompanies this historic event”.

Of course, quarterback ‘Golden 12’ declined to divulge details of what his game plan might be for this stellar encounter. NFL.

“Are we going to get into detail so quickly? I’m really very happy and I’m looking forward to the great team we’re going to put together. Well, being next to legends like manning peyton Yes ray Lewis is something unique, isn’t it? So I’m very excited, very happy, to see the work we’ll be doing there in a few months.”

She also acknowledged that the opportunity to have represented Mexico in the World Games, and the gold medal won in that contest, meant for her and for the team that led a commitment that has not yet ended.

“I think, for me, for my team, ‘the 12 d’or’, it was really an honor, a privilege to win this gold medal for our country, because beyond the award, the medal, it had a huge impact. incredibly to the younger generations. The girls and boys who will succeed us today can dream big. Today they have other aspirations. Well, it’s to show them that dreams come true. Paving the way for such a bright future for our sport and for our future athletes.”

For flores, it is essential to continue opening paths through flag football in Mexico.

“Something that we 12 have very clear with the medal is that this is a beginning, the beginning of an era in Mexico for our sport, and for our sport in the world. I believe that our commitment to continue opening doors, to continue opening paths for new generations is more present than ever. Well, we’re very happy with the support we’ve had from American football fans, flag football, the media, and the great team we’re building together to continue to demonstrate the greatness of our sport.”

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