Coach Castillo: “I don’t know if I’ll ever understand putting a movie in place of an NFL game”


El Coach Joaquín Castillo is one of the most experienced American soccer analysts in the industry and in view of the new NFL season, he talked about how complicated the last few years have been after TV Azteca

did not buy the rights to broadcast the league’s games other than the Super Bowl, and he said he did not understand such decisions.

Castilló pointed out the complexity of the competition between the two most important TV stations in our country and more so in a sport that remains inactive for 7 months of the year, however, with TV Azteca he had already managed to have an audience that gave them profits, but cutting transmissions to program movies has left him speechless.

In an interview for Antonio de Valdés’ YouTube channel, the former Pumas player commented: “I don’t understand the decisions, I don’t know where they come from, but thinking that it’s more business to show a movie than an NFL game, I don’t know if I can understand it. It has affected me and I feel that it has affected TV Azteca because we no longer compete as before”.

‘El Coach’ also talked about how only covering the Super Bowl has affected the TV station from Ajusco because Televisa, unlike them, week after week has been feeding its audience with content.

“I don’t think TV Azteca is good because, even though we have the Super Bowl, people take their toll. If you don’t follow the season and keep them up to date, they won’t follow you even during the Super Bowl, and we are paying for that.”

Why does TV Azteca no longer broadcast the NFL?

Two seasons ago, the Ajusco TV station decided to cut expenses due to losses in the millions they were having due to a lack of successful projects and among all those cuts, they decided not to continue with their usual NFL Ritual, which although not many loved, it was always seen to complement a good NFL Sunday and without a doubt the presence of Enrique Garay and Coach Castillo, added that extra ingredient that fans of this beautiful sports love.

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