NFL’s Dallas, the most expensive franchise in the world

The NFL’s Dallas Cowboys is the most expensive franchise of any sports league in the world, valued at $9.2 billion. Even though Dallas has won only four playoff games since 1997 and hasn’t reached a Super Bowl since the 1995 season, it has revolutionized the way business is done in the NFL.

In 2022, its sponsorship earnings exceeded $200 million and its revenue from attending luxury suites at its home court, AT&T Stadium, exceeded $100 million.

In total, the team of oilman millionaire Jerry Jones, who acquired the team in 1989 in exchange for $140 million, made $1.05 billion in profits in the 2022 season.

Founded in 1960, the Cowboys are known as America’s Team, a nickname they received in 1978 because of their popularity and because their badge, a lone star in the center of the helmet, was as recognized as the great luminaries of Hollywood and personalities of American politics.

“The NFL is seen as the gold standard in the way it is managed by its finances and by its long-term planning. You can argue that these valuations are modest,” said Marc Ganis, an NFL consultant for several teams.

Of the 25 most valuable sports franchises in the world featured in the report, 16 are from the NFL. They are followed by three teams from the NBA, Major League Baseball, and soccer worldwide, respectively.

What is the value of the other NFL franchises?
In the second place of the value of this list appear the New York Giants with 7,040 million dollars; one notch behind are the Los Angeles Rams ($6.98 billion); followed by the New England Patriots ($6.7 billion); and the San Francisco 49ers, 6,150. All of them, are from the NFL of American football.

The franchise with the lowest market value in the NFL, according to this analysis, is the Cincinnati Bengals, with 4,000 million dollars.

According to the digital platform, thanks to the analysis of more than 35 bankers, lawyers, team executives, owners, and consultants involved in the NFL, it was determined that together the 32 teams of this league have a value of 165,000 million dollars.

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